Saturday, August 30, 2008

Mixed Ability Dance

There are three main terms that are used to describe a dance group that includes people with and without disabilities, the first is 'mixed ability', the second is 'integrated' and the third is 'inclusive'. All attempt to describe the unique mix of people that are included the dances. On describing the Touch Compass group Powles (2007) states "All members of the company have different levels of functionality, but the levels of skill and talent of all the company members are of a professional and extraordinary level" (p. 9). Mixed ability dance in New Zealand is still a relatively new thing; but it is developing. SPARC's "No Exceptions" Strategy highlights the need for inclusive leisure, sporting and recreational activities.
Lyn Cotton director of Jolt sums up the impact of mixed ability dance
"While dance provides new opportunities for people with disabilities to express themselves, in the same respect the involvement of people with disabilities in dance has created a new and powerful medium of expression. It challenges our perceptions of what dance is and in many ways what beauty is" (Kopytko, 2008, p 1).

Kopytko, T. (2008). Jolt-mixed ability dance in Christchurch. DANZ Quarterly, 11. (Electronic Version).
Powles, M. (2007). Touch Compass: Celebrating integrated dance. Auckland:David Ling Publishing Ltd.

1 comment:

Occupational Therapy Otago said...

Sounds an amazing experience. What do you think are the biggest challenges the group faces in pulling off shows?